Jadi bab 1, kita teruskan 1.3 pernyataan masalah. Okay pernyataan masalah ataupun masalah. Okay dalam pernyataan masalah, biasanya pelajar mempunyai masalah ye. Nama pun pernyataan masalah, macam mana nak tulis pernyataan masalah ini sangat kritikal dan sangat penting. Kadang kadang pelajar dia letak sampai 10 halaman, nak huraikan tentang pernyataan masalah. Apabila kita baca langsung tidak ada masalah. Jadi berhati-hati dan juga pelajar selalu letak pernyataan masalah ini, dia letak yang dia rasa. Macam saya dapati bahawa pelajar tidak pandai mengira 1 hingga 10. Awak itu siapa. Jadi kita tak boleh. Kita kena ada rujukan. pernyataan masalah rujukan merupakan perkara yang penting. Maknanya Kita kena rujuk siapa yang punya kajian yang menunjukkan ada masalah dalam kajian tersebut. Ataupun pernyataan daripada orang ini Normaliza abd rahim 2019 mendapati bahawa pelajar kurang berminat untuk mendengar cerita berbentuk sekian sekian sekian. Okay itu dah menunjukkan macam benda yang negatif dan juga huraian daripada kajian normaliza Abd Rahim itu mendapati bahawa 5 pelajar didapati tidak boleh menggunakan kata kerja dalam penulisan karangan . Contoh dia. Itu dah nampak masalah. sebab masalah itu bila kita dapati dan huraikan sikit kemudian masalah normaliza abd rahim disokong oleh kajian yang dijalankan oleh Normaisara Roslan yang dijalankan pada 2019 yang mendapati pelajar tidak dapat mengenal pasti kata kerja dalam membina soalan. Contoh dia. Contoh ye. Jadi, jadi adalah dua kajian ini yang sokong timbul masalah tersebut. Okay barulah betul. Jadi itulah yang menunjukkan huraian kajian kita. Jadi pelajar, nak tahu dia buat macam mana ? Dia pergi buat okay contohnya kajian itu tentang kata kerja, yang awak punya kajian tentang kata adjektif. Jadi awak boleh buat kajian Normaliza Abd Rahim tidak berfokus kepada kajian tentang kata adjektif. Itu dijadikan pernyataan masalah. Salah itu. Tidak boleh. Tidak boleh. Macam seolah olah memang la dia buat kata kerja, sebab dia berfokus kepada kajian kata kerja. Tetapi awak tak boleh katalah dia tak buat pasal kata adjektif. Memang la dia tak buat kata adjektif, sebab dia berfokus kepada kata kerja. Jadi salah begitu. Jadi penghuraian di sini macam saya kata perlu ada ayat yang dinyatakan oleh pengkaji tersebut dalam artikel ini. Jadi pernyataan masalah ini terbahagi kepada objektif. Kalau objektif ada 2, ada 2 perenggan di sini. Kalau objektif ada 3, bermakna ada 3 perenggan. Satu, dua, tiga. Jadi huraian dalam ini huraian daripada kajian dan disokong oleh siapa. Okay disokong oleh siapa. Ayat yang saya katakan tadi , kemudian hujung ayat itu, awak kata justeru kajian ini sebab berkaitan dah nampak jurang penyelidikan. Justeru kajian ini ingin mengenalpasti wacana tekstual animasi dan sebagainya. Sebab didapati daripada kat sini, bahawa kajian itu mendapati bahawa contohnya pelajar ataupun skrip animasi tidak melambangkan apa dia apa dia. Jadi Kajian itu melambangkan apa yang orang tu cakap. Bukan kita yang cakap . Jadi, serupa juga dengan yang ini. Kena ada sokong. Kajian ini didapati ada masalah dalam itu. Pelajar tidak boleh mengenal pasti kata adjektif. Justeru kajian ini menganalisis kata adjektif yang terdapat dalam penulisan kanak kanak. Contoh permasalahan ketiga, menurut nurlida ruslan 2019, pelajar didapati tidak berminat dan tidak boleh mengira nombor 1 sehingga 20. Ini kajian dia. Didapati begitu. Jadi, justeru kajian ini menganalisis, okay menganalisis apa nama pengiraan ataupun aktiviti pelajar dalam mengira nombor 1 hingga 20. Jadi kita kena kaitkan hujung ayat perenggan itu kaitkan dengan objektif ini. Hujung ayat ini kaitkan dengan objektif ini. Jadi barulah ada pernyataan masalah ini berkaitan dengan awak punya objektif. Jadi rujukan dalam rujukan yang dalam ini, dalam permasalahan kajian ini perlulah lima tahun kebelakang. Kita tidak boleh kita ambil apa nama pernyataan masalah daripada yang lama lama, sebab kita kena fahami kajin yang dijalankan sekarang ini, semuanya sudah berbeza. Berbeza dengan teknik dunia digital. Jadi budak budak pun pandai. Macam yang saya katakan sebelum ini, zaman dulu boleh lah kata, budak ini pandai betul, cerdik betul. Kita tanya satu soalan, dia jawab 10 jawapan. Tetapi, dalam dunia digital sekarang ini, berbeza. Yang mana sekarang budak budak kita tanya satu soalan, dia bagi jawapan sampai 47 sampai kita kata okay berhenti jangan bagi jawapan. Ada budak budak tu sampai sekarang macam ini, dia dah lebih, dia lebih kehadapan. Sebab kita dah ada dunia digital. Kita ni dah ada masing masing, telefon mudah alih, telefon bimbit masing masing. Kadang kadang telefon dia lebih mahal daripada telefon kita. Jadi pastikan pernyataan masalah ini betul. Tak perlu panjang lebar kerana apa yang dapat rujukan dalam ini dan dalam ini semuanya ada huraian yang lebih panjang lebar dalam bab 2. Jadi pernyataan masalah ini adalah dalam nama nama bab 2. Tidak boleh awak ada nama nama ini dan kemudian saya kata mana pergi pernyataan masalah tiada dalam bab 2. Tidak boleh. Ini secara ringkas. Ini secara terperinci. Tentang orang ini, Normaliza Abd Rahim 2019, kajian dia menyeluruh dengan panjang lebar. Mesti ada dalam ini. Pastikan betul pernyataan masalah ini. Amat penting. Didapati pelajar amat sukar.
So chapter 1, we proceed to 1.3 problem statement.
Okay problem statement or problem. Okay in problem statement, usually students
have ye problem. Even the name of the problem statement, how to write this
problem statement is very critical and very important. Sometimes his students
put up to 10 pages, to explain the problem statement. When we read directly
there is no problem. So be careful and also students always put a statement of
this problem, he put what he feels. Like I found that students are not good at counting
1 to 10. Who are you? So we can't. We need a reference. reference problem
statement is an important thing. Meaning We have to refer to who has a study
that shows there is a problem in the study. Or a statement from this person
Normaliza abd rahim 2019 found that students are less interested in listening
to so-called stories. Okay that has shown the kind of negative things and also
the description from the study of normaliza Abd Rahim found that 5 students
were found not to be able to use verbs in essay writing. An example of him. That
looks like a problem. because the problem is when we find and describe a little
later the problem of normaliza abd rahim is supported by a study conducted by
Normaisara Roslan conducted in 2019 which found that students can not identify
verbs in constructing questions. An example of him. An example is. So, so are
these two studies that support the emergence of the problem. Okay then that's
right. So that shows the description of our study. So students, want to know
how he does it? He went for okay for example the study of verbs, which you have
a study on adjectives. So you can do a study Normaliza Abd Rahim does not focus
on the study of adjectives. That made a statement of the problem. That's wrong.
No way. No way. It was as if he was indeed making verbs, because he was
focusing on the study of verbs. But you can't say he didn't make adjectives.
Indeed, he did not make adjectives,
because he focused on verbs. So that's wrong. So the description here is like I
said there should be a sentence stated by the researcher in this article. So
the statement of this problem is divided into objectives. If the objective is
2, there are 2 paragraphs here. If the objective is 3, it means there are 3
paragraphs. One two Three. So the description in this description is from the
study and supported by who. Okay supported by who. The sentence I said earlier,
then the end of the sentence, you said therefore this study for related reasons
has seen the research gap. Therefore this study wants to identify animated
textual discourse and so on. The reason is found from here, that the study
found that for example students or animated scripts do not symbolize what he or
she is. The research symbolizes what that person said. We are not the ones
talking. So, similar to this one. There must be support. This study found that
there is a problem in that. Students cannot identify adjectives. Thus this
study analyzes the adjectives found in children's writing. An example of the
third problem, according to nurlida ruslan 2019, students were found not
interested and could not count the numbers 1 to 20. This is his study. Found
so. So, therefore this study analyzes, okay analyze what is the name of the
calculation or student activity in calculating the numbers 1 to 20. So we have
to relate the end of the paragraph sentence to this objective. The end of this
sentence is related to this objective. So then there is a statement of this
problem related to you having an objective. So the reference in this deep
reference, in the problems of this study should be five years later. We can not take the name of the problem statement from
the old ones, because we have to understand the research that is being done
now, everything is different. In contrast to digital world techniques. So the
boys are smart too. Like I said before, the old days can be said, this boy is
really smart, really smart. We asked one question, he answered 10 answers. But,
in today's digital world, things are different. Which now our boy asked a
question, he gave an answer to 47 until we said okay stop do not give an
answer. There are boys like that until now like this, he is more, he is more
forward. Because we already have a digital world. We already have each other,
mobile phones, mobile phones respectively. Sometimes his phone is more
expensive than our phone. So make sure the statement of this problem is
correct. No need for length because what can be referenced in this and in this
all there is a longer description in chapter 2. So the statement of this problem
is in the name of chapter 2. You can not have this name and then I said where
to go statement the problem is not in chapter 2. No. This is brief. This is in
detail. About this person, Normaliza Abd Rahim 2019, his study is comprehensive
at length. Must be in this. Make sure the statement of this problem is correct.
Very important. Found students very difficult…
Youtube Prof Dr Normaliza - https://youtu.be/ybSmRq8m-RU
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